Sunday, 5 August 2012

Bolzano anonymous

Close by the railway station in Bolzano is the Parco Statione; it is at a crossroads for people toing and froing to the station as well as in and out of the town centre. The good people of this town had thought to place seats by the side of the paths which provided some good vantage points to collect some people shots. I had several goes at this exercise and I particularly liked this set - which I have included here in its entirety. It was overcast but bright and with the film speed set at ISO400 and the aperture wide open at either f2 or f2.8 there was sufficient blur to render the subjects recognisable only people but not as particular individuals.

I quite like this set, the apparent mistakes in the early shots also have an appeal. The blur is sufficient in most cases to make the subject difficult or impossible to recognise and the background is sharp enough (in most cases!) despite being hand held with shutter speeds from 1/15th sec to 1/125th

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